Highlands Ability Battery
Please save this page – it contains all the instructions you need.
Thanks again for choosing the Highlands Ability Battery. Whilst all the instructions are here you need a registration key. This is sent within a few hours during the business week but you may need to wait if it is a weekend, We can’t automate the allocation of these codes.
Here’s the page you need to go to www.abilitybattery.com
On the first page you can download and read the instructions.
You will be asked to enter a registration key – this is: X_ (the actual code will be sent to you by email)
Use this link if you take the assessment in stages so you can return to the assessment. You can also come here at the end to access a copy of your report.
It can take around 10 minutes to register and go through the online instructions so do this soon so when you are ready to take the assessment you can get started promptly.
*** The assessment takes about 3 hours but you don’t need to take all at once, you can break down into a number of sessions ***
I will be notified once you have completed the assessment and will create and send to you PDF versions of the reports.
Instructions and technical support
Access all instructions here. This includes details of technical support
Please read this document carefully.
Observation worksample – list of items.
One of the worksamples gets you to notice changes in objects. It is a task to notice changes, and some items may be called a different name to what youu regularly call something. You can review this list before hand but DO NOT have it open as you complete the worksample. You will not get an accurate result.
List of items – http://amazingpeople.org/wp-content/uploads/THC-Observation-ITEMS.pdf
Schedule Feedback Discussion
Here is the link to schedule our appointment: https://bookme.name/amazingpeople/hab-discussion
Please ensure you allow at least one working day between completing the assessment and our session.
On completion you will get access to your reports. I will also create and send on three PDF reports.
MAIN – Whilst some wait till the discussion, you can review in advance and make a note of any questions.
CAREER – This is the report that provides links to careers to explore. I ensure you are clear on how these have been identified and what to do next.
WORK TYPES – Useful additional information we will discuss.
Please have your reports accessible on our call as we will be referring to all of them.
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