Career Assessment Package


Please save this page – it contains all the instructions you need.

Thanks for your purchase of the Career Assessment Package. It’s a great choice. The programme comprises:

  1. The Highlands Ability Battery
  2. The Strong Interest Inventory

We have an initial 30-minute session to discuss what you already know about yourself

We meet on Zoom for up to 2 hours to discuss the Highlands Ability Battery

You receive guidance on how to explore options

We have a follow up 30-45 minute session

The timings could vary – overall we have 3 hours


Schedule appointments using these links

Session 1 – 1 hour:


We are unlikely to need a full 2 hours for the highlands discussion but I’d rather allocate more time to spend with you.

2-hour appointment


45-minute session


Preparation for session 1

1: I would like to gather some information from you via this << online form  >>


2: You may like to ponder on these questions that we will cover in our first session

You may like to take some notes but no need to send in advance, we will discuss in our session.

  • What do/did you like and dislike from your different jobs?
  • What are the reasons for your educational choices?
  • If money wasn’t important, what would you love to do?
  • What fascinates/interests you? – hobbies, fascinations, what you read first in the paper?
  • Thinking of your whole life – not just your career, what do you find easy, and want to do more of?
  • How would you describe your negotiating/conflict management style?


3: Self-Report Assessments

You should find these interesting. With a 30 minute session we don’t have time to discuss in depth but I’m familar with them all and if you read what is available to no cost via each site, I’ m happy to discuss. If so, please share your results copied into one document. 

3.1 Personal Values Assessment

Once you click on the link, you will see a list of common values. Choose the top ten that you value the most. From there the top ten are instantly shown to you in side-by-side pairs to force you to rank one or the other. This process continues until the site produces your top five values, in order from highest to lowest. If you’ve done this in the past, try it again.


3.2 VIA Character Strengths

This link takes you to a short survey that will ask you a series of questions, and from there produces your top 5 out of 24- character strengths. Character strengths are the positive parts of your personality that make you feel authentic and engaged.


3.3 Saboteurs

This is a fascinating assessment, find out where you are likely to sabotage yourself


4. You then complete the Highlands Ability Battery

This takes about 3 hours but does not need to be taken all in one session.
Here is the link with all the details you need:

You also need a registration key which will be sent to you separately


Any questions at all feel free to message me on WhatsApp – 07931 303367

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